Friday, 8 November 2013

Aadhar Card A New Identity Of India

In India, there is the new identity Card or the photo identity is generated for every people of India, it is for unique identification authority of India. it have the 12- digits numbers to identification in India, the number is cant be similar to the other Aadhar Card holder in India, it have the unique number so there can’t be similar number. 

The Aadhar Card is introducing for the problem of illegal migration in India. so the government introduce Aadhar Card to stop that problem and the government also introduce for the poor people or the rural area to give them the benefit of the bank  account with this identity and lack of identity proof have want to be removed for the rural area. In this blog,Our Prime Minister Manmohon Singh pointed this for the benefit of the rural area cannot be avail from the benefit of the Download Aadhaar card E-Letter Online that no one remains without the identity.

The Aadhar Card can be use to identifies the person in individual in any part of India. In travel, the Aadhar Card is sufficient to verify the identity of his / her. Now the whole infrastructure is place into the digital cash kind of economy and the much more in the electronic cash medium. The new Aadhar Card is safer than to other photo identity. The Aadhar Card is been made compulsory to availing social benefit.

Lack of information:

Some people do not get the right information for the Aadhar Card and they do not have the right documents to have the Aadhar Card, if some miss the documents than first apply for the other member of the family then apply for them for the other member of family you can avail the information for the Aadhar Card. The camp also be introduce to, the Aadhar Card fully success. In addition, avail the information for the Aadhar Card in to rural areas and to the urban areas.

Applying for an Aadhar Card:

·         For an Aadhar Card the person just want 1address and 1 identity proof, and if someone don’t have the valid identity proof the he/she will make first his/her head of householder first introduce then the head of householder introduce other member of the house for an enrolment.

·         An Aadhar Card is a form that the people have to fill to take an Aadhar Card at the Aadhar Card centre or people can also download online from the Aadhar Card site.


·         At the centre of Aadhar Card, your photo, fingerprint and iris scan is the part of the enrolment. Then the details of person will taken to fulfil the Aadhar Card and person can correct the details of that person. Your given information detail will be verified centrally. On successfully verification, you will receive a massage / email notification. Later after few days, your Aadhar Card number printed and sends to your address through post. Ones you receive massage/ email conformation and the details about the Aadhar Card you may easily print the Aadhar Card.


·         The process of the Aadhar Card is of 60- 90days.  The Cardholder can avail bank account without any paper work.

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